writings and rantings


thoughts and philosophies


my artistic writings

The electric work experience:

With the words space and place echoing in my head like an unforgiving headache, we took a trip to the electronic works as a group from our art context lectures.

This idea sounded so surreal and bizarre that we are to venture to a place only briefly mentioned and discussed by out tutor. Yet a little confused feeling and the constant lack of knowledge about this place made it seem greyish and misty. We entered this new modern building designed for creative thinkers, called the electronic works in Sheffield, south Yorkshire. after passing through the uncompromising doors we entered the large bright lobby/reception area, where we all were fixated on this sculptured steel structured construction that flowed like a river from the very top of this great hall to where we stood, writhing and twisting its way through this space, which looked quite radical given its environment, not usually associated with an office setting.

After singing in, the receptionist joyfully took us on a quick guided tour of the creative modern ground floor office space before leading all of us like rats that followed the music of the pied piper to the summit to where this sculptured helter skelter began. The sheer height changed my mood instantly from a confusing daze to that of a sickening panic.


By Richard Magson




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