
Like a star,
you will be the star of my life,
my sky, and my ocean
I will always need you
as i cannot live without air,
without water and without my soul,
you will be all this for me.
I will hold this love for you forever
I will be here for you whenever you need me
All my kisses to you my love…
You’ll be everywhere I am
I will be standing by your side
to comfor you
like nature all in this world,life is beautiful
deep felt emotions of love
is like a songbird that sings
A day without hearing your voice, is like a morning without a sun rise,
a night without seeing the moon shine.
Oh I pray to thee to keep me close to you, as i will for you
even though the miles that keep us apart,
I will hold you dear where you will be close in my heart
where you will be forever and unconditionally loved

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