Richard A Magson artist statement

“Theories are patterns without value. What counts is action” — Constantin Brancusi.
A constant battle with anxieties, stress and depression My inquisitive nature began with the investigations of the potential with processes of materials to play with in experimental purposes leading me to many varied paths therefore my work has in all complexity of anxiety, a development to self-discovery,
an exploration of new ideas, and the translation of image through language, in object or subject matter. The joys and perils of the creative process, which manifests and grows with mental and physical application have brought about to my current work.
Growing up in Canada I had many influences, nature being the foremost and major influence along with diverse and different cultures, language, folklore and fairy tales within the lands. My practice has the basis of drawing bumbling sketches or scribbles, but this is a mere springboard to sculptures and paintings.
My works is concise and consists my influences of a cultural upbringing and awareness that “beauty is within nature of all things”.
I enjoy learning. To experience all and new forms of cultures – this gives me the freedom to extract from nature as it intends and life’s influences. Other than nature being a major influence secondary major influence is My home and native land Canada, with all indigenous people’s culture, art and way of life that I find aesthetically pleasing and enriching especially the knowledge and craftsmanship involved.
for example, the detailed carvings and the significant meaning or intriguing folklore surrounding totem poles. The totem pole theme with ideas of language and imagery give meaning, although my totem is non-traditional and more a contemporary abstract with sculptural elements. I hope this captures those who view with an open mind and draw in a topic to debate the complexities of being an artist with his angst.
Richard A Magson


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